Our Vision and Mission
Our mission here at T4L is to deliver a product that lasts a lifetime and contributes to help improve a life. A percentage of the proceeds go to family and environmental charities.
You can be confident that you are helping people and are taking an active role in the conservation of trees and the environment.
We hope you gain yardage and that you love our product as much as we do 😊
About our Products
Our High-Performance Tees have been independently tested and proven to produce straighter and longer drives!
Pro Launcher Tees conform with USGA and R&A Rules of Golf and are composed of a modern soft composite that is virtually unbreakable.
Launcher Tee II is designed for attaining a consistent ball height for all 360cc-460cc drivers.
Launcher P3 is designed for use on all Par 3’s or any tee off with a 7 wood or 3 hybrid.
Launcher G4 is ideal for Par 3’s, designed with a stopper that ensures the tee is set in the ground at the same position for a consistent ball height to increase your chances of hitting the Sweet Spot!

Customize your tees with your company name, phone number or logo!
Hole in One
500 tees included
- 250 Pro Launcher Tee I
- 250 Pro Launcher II
Includes print set up fee and one color logo
What our customers are saying
Companies that Logo with us
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Our Story in Three Sentences
Save A Tree!
Improve a Life!
Guaranteed for Life!
We were tired of seeing broken wooden and plastic tees on every tee box.
We invented a tee that would never break!
We want to give back!